
Showing posts from November, 2014

Read only views and Custom methods(Buttons)

Requirement :   To make the view read-only for a group of users, meaning they should only be able to view the data and should never be let to modify in any case. Hurdle:   UI can be made read - only by assigning those set of users with a different set of responsibility. And make all the views in the Responsibility to Read only. Solution:   For this i could not think of any non-scripting solution. But the least impacting solution would be to use, TheApplication().InvokeMethod(“IsViewReadOnly”, TheApplication().ActiveViewName()) What this does it to check if the view is read - only in the current session and if so will return "TRUE".  Usage: from BS,  function ShowViewROStatus() {    var sActive = TheApplication().ActiveViewName();    if (TheApplication().InvokeMethod("IsViewReadOnly",sActive) == "TRUE")           TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(sActive + "is read only....