Deploying Integration Object at Runtime (Siebel)


Starting with Siebel 8.1, Integration Objects can be deployed at runtime just like workflows to the runtime database. Modifications to the IO can be deployed to the server without having to recompile the changes to SRF, shutting down the server and then moving the changes.

Steps to follow:

1.       Open a Dedicated connection to the server database(Works on local db too)
2.       Go to the IO in the Object Manager
3.       Select the IO that needs to be modified and deploy
4.       Right Click on the IO and select “Deploy to Runtime Database”

5.       Log into Siebel Web Client
6.       Go to Site Map ->Administration – Web Services >Deploy Integration Object

7.       The IO will now be available
8.       In order to un-deploy the IO, go to Siebel Tools ->Integration Objects > Right Click on the IO and select “UnDeploy”
9.       Clear the cache every time before deploying/un-deploying(Administration – Web Services > Inbound/Outbound Web Service > Clear Cache)

1.       Undeploy the Older version before deploying a new one
2.       This approach is a workaround.



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