Drill down in siebel form applet

Requirement: Create a drill down in Service Request Detail Applet(Form Applet)

This is a tweak and not a siebel provided functionality 

Steps to do(explained by an example):

1. In Service Request Detail Applet(applet of your requirement) create new Drill down object

Property Value

Name: GotoSR
Hyperlink Field: SR Number
View: Service Request Detail View

2. Create new Control object on that Applet

Property Value

Name: SR Drill down
Caption – String Override: Go To SR
HTML Type: Link
Field: SR Number

Method Invoke Drill Down
3. Remove the label for the SR Number field in the applet web layout.
4. Place the new configured control adjacent to the SR number field.
4. Compile and test


• The hyperlink will show the value entered in the control Caption and not the field value
• If there is no record returned by query, hyperlink is still active and drilling down on it results in error message "This operation is not allowed when there are no records displayed".


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